Solar Power Plant

Market Overview

Brazil has a lot of potential for solar power plant projects due to its location in the equatorial region, which provides abundant sunlight throughout the year. The country has been steadily increasing its use of solar power in recent years and is expected to continue doing so in the future.

The Brazilian government has set a target of generating significant amount of the country’s electricity from renewable sources by 2025, and solar power is expected to play a significant role in achieving this goal. Additionally, Brazil has one of the largest economies in Latin America, making it an attractive market for solar power investors.

The Brazilian solar industry has been growing rapidly, with a total installed capacity of around 6.5 GW as of 2021 and is expected to reach 31.7 GW by 2030.

Overall, Brazil’s potential for solar power plant projects is huge, and the country is likely to continue expanding its use of this renewable energy source in the coming years.

Competitive Advantage

  • Strategic locations
  • Fast payback (6 years).

Licenses & Permits, Offtake And Power Purchase Agreements – Status

  • Lands secured *Capacity for expansion
  • Permits Ready-To-Install
  • Green Energy Purchase Agreements on place

Project Overview

Project Linhares 1 /ES, Braz

  • Production capacity: 1,25MWp
  • IRR: Estimated 17%
  • Operational: Since February 2023
  • End clients: Private Small Business

Project Capivari/SC, Brazil

  • Production capacity: 2,85MWp
  • IRR: Estimated 16,2%
  • All licenses ready-to-install
  • Operation: estimated last quarter 2024
  • End clients: Private Small Business

Project Vila Velha /ES, Brazil

  • Production capacity: 4 UFV’s of 3,75MWp each
  • IRR: Estimated 20,23%
  • All licenses ready-to-install
  • Operation: estimated last quarter 2024
  • End clients: Private Small Business